February 20, 2018


Name George Boys-Stones Email g.r.boys-stones@dur.ac.uk Category DCAMP event



Lloyd Gerson on Platonism

The Platonic System

A talk by Prof. Lloyd Gerson (Toronto), who is visiting Durham at the invitation of DCAMP. All welcome! If you would like to join Prof. Gerson and others for dinner afterwards, please drop a line to g.r.boys-stones@durham.ac.uk by the end of Monday 19th.

Lloyd P. Gerson is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. His books include Knowing Persons: A Study in Plato, God and Greek Philosophy, and From Plato to Platonism. He is the editor and driving force behind the new team-translation of the complete Plotinus for Cambridge University Press.


PG28 (to the right of Cosin's Hall, Palace Green)